Here, you will come to know about why you can't be in love permanently. Love is a great feeling. This is the feeling which everyone wants to be permanently but it's impossible.
This is because love can only be temporary and you cannot change it. You will come to know in details below about what is love in reality.
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Why You Can't Be In Love Permanently - Know More About It Here
When you are in love, you yearn to meet your lover. This is another feeling which is associated with love. As both lovers are not united yet in a bond which is called 'Wedding', the feeling will be there present. Even everything seems beautiful around you.When you are not with your lover, you go on thinking about him and imagining many things. You even create an imaginary story of how you will be when you will get married with the one you love. You go on dreaming about the future. You can see a bright future with him or her.

This is why they say that 'LOVE is blind'. It makes you blind because when you are in love, you are only with your lover whether it is in your thoughts, dreams or in real. You give less time to others or even to yourself. Yes, you will decorate yourself as the outer is concerned but you forget about your inner being.
Love After Marriage
So, when you get married with the one whom you love so much, many things start changing. Now, you do not live separately. You are living with each other and that bond is for lifetime.
From my point of view, LOVE can happen only before being in the bond of marriage. After marriage, it is not the same. You will not yearn for your husband or wife. This feeling transforms into another feeling. You start caring and doing everything for him or her. You go on taking responsibilities one after the other. So, with these responsibilities, you will not find the love you had before. Even if you try hard to make it happen again, it will not be possible.

This is because you cannot revive a dead emotion. Yes, you can be in another emotion after that. Know that each emotion has a start and an end too.
For example:
Till you do not get something, you create an emotion in you but when you get it, that emotion ends as well.
For example, if you want a car, you create a desire in you and it remains there till you do not get the car. When the car is with you, then you use it and take care of it. That desire of having it have ended. It is no more. Now it is time to make good use of it.
For example, if you want a car, you create a desire in you and it remains there till you do not get the car. When the car is with you, then you use it and take care of it. That desire of having it have ended. It is no more. Now it is time to make good use of it.
The same happens for love. When you fall in love with someone, this love has a start and an end too. When you get married, then love is no more there. You develop another emotion instead, that of taking care of that person and many more.
In fact, you do not even realize that a desire does not remain permanent. You do not even realize when another emotion has taken the place of love. You just go on living with any emotion and give it the same name as before.
Just observe your emotions and you will find that not a single one will remain the same as before.
If you seek for love in a marriage, then you will not get it. You will get it in other forms. It will never be the same as it was before marriage. Even if you say millions of times 'I Love You' to your husband or wife, it will not be the same.
So, if here LOVE is not permanent and cannot be permanent, then how can you expect it to be permanent?
You will go on seeking it all your life but you will not be in it again. It is only one of the desires which has to end when the time has come. Yes, you can be in love with different persons but still it will not be the same. It has a limit. It has an end.

Many times, I find writings about love such as:
'The start and the end is LOVE'
'In search of permanent LOVE'
'Love is the only key to be with God'
'God is Love'
'Illumination is Love'
If you believe in these, then you are definitely going on the wrong track. Yes, this is a challenge. Go and seek for it permanently. I can assure you that you will never find it. It will be a waste of time and energy. You may practice any technique given to you for it to happen permanently but you will never succeed because it is impossible. If anyone is saying to you that they can make it happen permanently, then it's a big lie. Even those persons who said that do not live with love permanently. They can make a show of it but it is not happening in them.
Only one thing is possible and this is Supreme Awareness State in which you can live permanently. You are born with it but you get carried away with so many thoughts, emotions, beliefs and concepts that you have forgotten it completely. What you have forgotten is the only truth and what you are with is illusion.
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