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Monday 22 July 2019

Are You Developing Your Beliefs?

Are You Developing Your Beliefs?
The fact is that you have grown up with beliefs and it was the only choice for you. This is because you did not know whether those beliefs were true or not. You just trusted those words from those people who are closer to you. It’s natural because those people are the ones who were helping you.

They are not wrong either as they also did the same as you did, that is, trusting in those words. Do you know that since childhood, you go on developing those beliefs? This means that those beliefs that you came to know via your parents, teachers and other people did not remain just like that. You went on developing them gradually.

What happened next? Problems started arising and you started developing stress and illnesses. Life became a problem for you. 

Why Developing Your Beliefs Created Problems For You?

Are You Developing Your Beliefs?

You thought that by developing your beliefs, you will live a better life because those beliefs were real as far as how you see them. What you didn’t know was that all those beliefs were illusion only. You didn’t even know the difference between illusion and reality.

This is because your mind created a strong wall all around your beliefs so that you can’t see the real. Nor the ones dear to you were wrong neither you were because the real problem here is of being unaware of the truth.

When a person is unaware of the truth, he goes on treading on the path of beliefs and he doesn’t even know that these beliefs don’t have any destination which consists of his progress in life rather his time and energy got wasted. Finally, he is the one who suffers.

It is only when he grows up that he comes to know that there is another option. That other option is self-improvement.

But here also, most people put a blindfold and they are not keen to go for self-improvement. This is because they took those beliefs to be their comfort zone and to go for improving themselves means that they will have to come out from their comfort zone. This is why they won’t accept self-improvement. They stay away from change and transformation.

This is where most people continue suffering. It’s their choice. No one is responsible for that. They may think that it’s their destiny just because they are blindfolded but the reality is that you are the one who creates your own destiny.

So, here, it is not only about believing in something. It is also about developing those beliefs which gradually make your life a hell.

For example, you believe that you are not capable of doing a task and that it’s impossible to get the best results. But the truth is that you are not aware that you have the abilities and capabilities needed to get the best results. In fact, you don’t even know yourself and that’s why you go on drowning in your own beliefs.

Know that beliefs make you weak and reality makes you strong. So, the deeper you go into beliefs, the greater obstacles you create in your life. It is your beliefs that create your mindset.
  • You believe in ghosts and that’s why you fear darkness. You are not able to have a sound sleep too.
  • You believe that it’s other persons who harm you but you are unaware that it is you who harm yourself via your ego.
  • You believe that you are not capable of getting the best results but you are unaware that you do have the potentials and that you need to work on them.

So, instead of developing your beliefs, why don’t you develop your skills, motivation, concentration, focus, determination, understanding, observation and all that are within you?

You go on wasting your energy on the outer level mostly on those beliefs which are unreal instead of using that same energy for your abilities and capabilities.

As I said, it’s your choice only. You are the one who creates your destiny. So, whatever the consequences in your life, you are responsible for that.

If at any time you have questions about how to improve yourself, then don't hesitate to contact me via the comment section below. 

If you want to go in-depth on this topic, then don't miss to read this eBook. 

Get the eBook here

Are You Developing Your Beliefs?


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