Are you aware that what you believe about yourself has a great impact on your behaviours?
The fact is that your beliefs play a great role in your life such as what you want in life and what you achieve too. So, the truth is that it’s your belief about yourself that masters your behaviours although you want to accept it or not.
It is your belief which determines whether you have to be successful or not. So, what exactly you must do about your beliefs and behaviours?
How Does Your Beliefs Dictate Your Behaviours?
Have you ever observed your beliefs? Have you ever asked yourself why your behaviours are like that? Are you behaving rightly? I’m sure you haven’t. In fact, many of you have not even observed their behaviours because they have always taken them to be normal. There is a difference when you are with beliefs and when you are not.
• People with beliefs live life by putting a blindfold on their eyes and their behaviours are determined as per their beliefs.
• Those without beliefs see things with clarity.
If you are in the belief category, then you are in a Belief Mindset and those who are without beliefs don’t have any mindset. They are simply natural.
People With Beliefs and Those Without Beliefs
Ask yourself this question: What happens to your friends when they are left alone in the dark outside? Most of them will feel scared and only one or two will appreciate this darkness.
Those who are scared are the ones with beliefs.
They believed in ghosts and so they are always afraid of not only darkness but they fear about what will happen to them. They feel insecure wherever they go and even more when they are left alone in the darkness. It’s like darkness itself is the ghost for them.
As soon as they find themselves alone in the dark, they start seeing things which are not there and also hear noises which are scaring. What they don’t realize is that they are affected psychologically. Their beliefs have made them react like this. This way, they are fearful, they think negatively a lot and thus, they create insecurity in themselves.
Those who appreciate darkness are the ones without any belief.
These persons are neutral whatever happens. They are not scared of any ghosts as they know that ghosts don’t exist. They also know that darkness is peaceful and must be appreciated. They will sit, close their eyes and appreciate this moment. They will not hear any noise which is fearful rather they will hear the soundless sound which is so blissful. They will not see any ghost rather they will see with clarity.
They know that this moment is very precious. They know that darkness is part of the whole and that it has its importance. In fact, darkness has great importance because it is in the darkness that creation takes place. It is in the darkness that one becomes enlightened. It is in the darkness that all your inner powers work. It is in the darkness that supreme knowledge flows. So, darkness must be appreciated and lived. This is clarity.
If you want to know more about how your beliefs dictate your behaviours and what you should do in order to change this, then don't miss to read this eBook.
If you want to know more about how your beliefs dictate your behaviours and what you should do in order to change this, then don't miss to read this eBook.
Get the eBook here.
Do You Know That Your Beliefs Dictate Your Behaviours?
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