You may not have noticed but yes, your mindset plays games with you. So many games it plays with you that you are not even aware about them. You just think that all that is happening, it is you who are doing everything.
The fact is that, you even feel guilty about the mistakes you have committed too but know that those mistakes didn't come directly from you. You are not the direct cause of those mistakes or whatever actions you have done. They come from your mindset because your mindset plays so many games with you which makes you more confused about yourself.
Your mindset creates different paths for you to tread on which makes you think that you are the doer here. This is why, it's great time for you to realize that everything that is happening with you is just because of your mindset.
In order to have a better idea about it, I am bringing to you different types of mindsets and when you read them, you will definitely find your type of mindset in them. Here, you will have the solution of how to tread on the right path instead of the diversion from your mindset which causes problems, harms, difficulties and sufferings for you.
Mindset Games
These are the mindset games which are dominating you and thus, creating sufferings for you. So, once you realize the truth about them, you will definitely want to change your path and tread on the right one.
1. The Purpose-Driven Mindset
If you are among those who are ignoring those who have the purpose-driven mindset or even your own purpose-driven mindset then know that you are actually stopping yourself from being a great leader or even successful in any field in life.
You may not have realized that when you become a great leader, this means that you have achieved a purpose-driven mindset which can be focused on helping other people as well as to reach to your level of success. {Read more...}
2. Chronic Jealousy Mindset
Are you jealous? Do you feel your jealousy increasing gradually? If you are unsure about it then you need to check if you are not among those who have chronic jealousy.
Chronic jealousy is very common mainly in close relationships. Many people think that being jealous is natural and it forms part in close relationships but the fact is that what they think of being natural is actually the one which is creating problems in their relationships.{Read more...}
3. Success Mindset
By reading this question right now, you must be wondering in what type of mindset you are. You may also be wondering what right mindset meaning is. In fact, you have right mindset quotes which can help you in understanding it better.
Maybe, you haven’t paid attention to your mindset till now and you haven’t realized that it is the one which is stopping you from being successful. Maybe, you have been so used to it for so long that you are not even aware of the downfalls that it is taking you to. So, why are you sure that you are in the right mindset? {Read more...}
4. Playing Safe Mindset
Choosing the safest option has been the first option for many but have you ever realized that by playing it safe can ruin your life? It’s very easy to play safe and very difficult to take risks but have you ever noticed that by playing it safe, you missed an opportunity which could have made you successful in life?
I am not telling you to try to remember about when you missed that opportunity but as I am saying it, I am sure that you must have remembered it instantly without even trying to look for it in your mind. Here, you will be able to find some examples of playing it safe. {Read more...}
5. Incapable Mindset
If you are among those who believe that you are incapable of anything that you tried then know that it is absolutely false.
You are definitely not so, that I can assure you. It is your way of thinking that has put you so down that you are not even aware of you capabilities.
The first thing that you need to do, if you are in such a situation, is that you need to know why you believe that you are incapable. What makes you believe that you are incapable? {Read more...}
6. Unworthy Mindset
There are two ways that it makes you believe that you are not worthy. One is when other people tell you so and the second one is when you think that you are not worthy due to experiences that you had in the past. So, the question here is that why do you believe that you are not worthy? Is it you or what the other person has said that has affected you the most?
So, you are not feeling worthy right now. Forget about the past when you didn’t feel worthy because at that time, you didn’t get any solution to boost your confidence, to boost your self-esteem and to boost yourself in totality but now is the right time to do something about this state of yours. It is only now that you can start changing yourself for the best. {Read more...}
7. Comparison Mindset
It may seem very easy to compare yourself with others. Do you know why? This is because you have always had the habit to stay in a certain type of mindset. This type of mindset is your own creation and it is your own choice. So, with this type of mindset, you go on comparing yourself with others which definitely is not good for your well-being. This is why it is very important for you to know why you should never compare yourself with others.
You may not find that you are creating blockages in you as you just do this automatically. For you, it is natural but in reality, it is not natural rather it is the mindset that you have created for yourself which is reacting as such. {Read more...}
8. Failure Mindset
There are different types of mindsets which also include unhealthy mindsets. If you consider these unhealthy mindsets, you will find that they are the ones which lead you to failure. There have been many times that you have failed in life and you can’t disagree with it. Well, know that it’s not merely because you haven’t worked hard enough rather there are many other reasons behind it. The main reason here is of having an unhealthy mindset.
If you start something with an unhealthy mindset, then even however hard you work for that, you won’t be successful. Do you know why? This is because the foundation itself is not that strong and you may be thinking that you are working hard but the fact is that you are not following the right process in order to be successful. And all this is due to your unhealthy mindset. {Read more...}
9. Chronic Negativity Mindset
Do you know what is Chronic Negativity Disorder? You all may have experienced some people who have the habit of complaining. They complain about many things but you must not have realized that while they were complaining, you were also attracting their negativity at the same time.
Yes, you might be feeling bored with their complaints or even feeling exhausted but in reality, you were just attracting their negativity which caused this exhaustion to happen in you. If you stay longer with them, then you can attract even more negativity in you which can cause health problems as well. This is the consequence of Chronic Negativity Disorder. {Read more...}
10. Affecting Success Mindset
You have always tried to know how you can be successful in life. You may have also thought that it may be your weakness or there are other people’s hands behind it that are stopping you from being successful till now. But do you know that there are some type of mindsets that really affect success?
You must also have looked for how to change your mindset in order to achieve huge success or even tried to know what kind of mindset does successful people have. In fact, there is a lot to search for on this topic. {Read more...}
As you can see, there are so many mindsets that play games in order to confuse you but know that this is not all as there are even more than that. I will go on adding more here soon.
So, if you find yourself among one or even more in the above mentioned ones then don't waste your time. Just go for shifting your mindset to a more fulfilling life.
How To Get A More Fulfilling Life
When it comes to shift your mindset, you may find it hard or even impossible just because you have created a habit and an attachment with the mindset that you have. It really feels difficult but know that it’s not impossible.
It’s difficult to shift your mindset just because your own mindset doesn’t want you to shift because here it will lose you forever. It knows it very well and it will go on creating all sorts of stories in order that you remain as you are. {Read more...}
So, if you have any questions then feel free to ask in the comment section below. I will reply to you the soonest possible.
You may also like my books which are on Amazon:
A Parent's Guide To Increase Awareness And Concentration In Kids: Easy Meditation Techniques For Kids From 7 to 11 Years Old 

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