The Start Is The End - The Awareness Weekly Magazine Week 13
What is the Start and what is the End?
You may be wondering what kind of title it is. You won’t understand it if you don’t read this magazine several times and top of all, it needs deeper understanding for that.
The Start Is The End - The Contents
How can the start be the end?
If the start and the end is the same then why do they exist?
Why do you get different feelings when something starts and when something ends?
What is the mystery about the Starting and the Ending Points?
There may be many questions about it but only those who are curious in knowing the inner mysteries will ask these questions.
If you can see with clarity, you will find that wherever something starts, it has to end at the starting point itself. You may not have taken it into consideration because it needs inner depth for that.
Do you know that in life, you get so many experiences but still you don’t realize the truth behind these experiences?
For example:
• You know that you are experiencing something but you don’t realize that it is for you to learn a lesson here.
• You know that you are talking but you don’t realize that before talking, the same thing was already in your mind.
• You know that you are hungry but you don’t realize that what kind of hunger is that.
• You know that you are dreaming but you don’t realize that where do these dreams come from.
• You know you are thirsty but you don’t realize what kind of thirst is that.
• You know that you are seeing but you don’t realize that what you are seeing is true or not.
• You know that you understand but what you don’t realize is that to what extent you have understood.
There are so many things that you do but you don’t realize how and why you are doing them. If you realize it, you will find that how you are using energy for important things and for also unnecessary things.
So, in this magazine, you will learn a lot about the inner mysteries which you didn't know before.
Get The Magazine Here
The Start Is The End - The Awareness Weekly Magazine Week 13
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