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Friday 13 April 2018

What Is Our Purpose Of Life?

What Is Our Purpose Of Life? - Get The Answer Here

Purpose Of Life

Dear Ma,

What is our purpose of life?

- Antish

Answer to 'What Is Our Purpose Of Life?'

The answer to 'What is the purpose of our life?' is very simple yet so many people are just wondering about it. If you stay still and observe around you, you will find everything that has life is just living. If you observe the plants, trees, birds and human beings without any judgment, you will find that they are all busy doing something. 

Is it really what they were suppose to do?

First, know that whatever actions are there, were created by thoughts. For example, money was created for the business purpose. In order to get food and other things, you will have to pay and for that you will use money. 

Money is one of the creations of thoughts. Same is for these, such as houses, cars, jobs, education and everything that you are seeing around in which people are busy into.

So, as you can see all of them are the creations of thoughts and as per these thoughts, human beings have created this whole system. In other words, these are the creations of human beings.

Now, how about the Creator who creates human beings?

For what purpose are human beings created?

Is it for living a life full of sufferings?

Is it for living by creating a system and then be busy with it?

If you consider the whole system, it is man-made but if you consider your source it is Cosmic. You are a Cosmic-made as a human being. That means you are here alive only by the Cosmic Creation and it is taking care of you too.

So, is your purpose as per the Cosmic Creation or as per the Man-Made one?

The one who has created you has a purpose behind it but what many people are doing is that they are living as per the purpose of Man-Made instead. This is why there are so many sufferings. The Ego also is Man-Made. This is because it is human beings who attract negative vibes, nourish them and then expand them.

It is like you come across something which is not yours but still you are attracted to it. What happens next is that you want to have it and thus, you just welcome it in you. I am talking about thoughts and emotions. These are attractions which people attract to create the Ego and then nourish it to make it more stronger.

When the Cosmic Creation happened, human beings were without ego, pure, innocent, full of pure energy. But as soon as they grow up gradually, they got attracted to many things which are strangers to them and they go on with these flows forgetting their main purpose. The purity, the innocence, the pure energy, all has disappeared. What remained is the Ego only.

So, as per your question, our purpose of life is to live as per the Cosmic Creation. This is called in other words 'TO BE'. But as the whole man-made system is here, you will have to live in both. 

BE and act on the man-made system but be careful here. You should act as per the Cosmic Creation which means you must act as per Awareness which is the Creator of the Cosmic Creation.


Don't let yourself flow with the man-made creations. Be original. Be pure and Be Aware all the time. By doing this, you will be able to fulfil your purpose of living. 

Your life will be lively. If you observe around you, you will find that although people are busy and active in all their activities, they are not lively at all.

This is because to be lively, it needs one to get back to their innocence, filled with pure energy, aware totally and without Ego.

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