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Friday 9 March 2018

4 Best Doctor Who Halloween Costumes

If you are in search of the best Halloween Costumes, then here you will find the 4 Best Doctor Who Halloween Costumes that you can choose from this year. Halloween is enjoyed by many and why not include Doctor Who in your party this year? It would be great fun. Doctor Who is based on the culmination of more than one portrayal of the character. Each one of the characters brings his own unique sense of style and quirky actions to life for the enjoyment of the multitude of fans.

Doctor Who Halloween Costumes
Doctor Who Halloween Costumes

Therefore, the costumes will vary in both design and style for men or women. One of the most popular characters on the BBC series is of course, Dr. Who himself. The show actually began in 1963 and then ended in 1989 but the reboot of the series began in 2005 and is just as popular as it was when it was first released.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Watercress And Baby Potatoes Stir Fry Recipe

Watercress And Baby Potatoes Stir Fry

Watercress And Baby Potatoes Stir Fry

Watercress has been the favourite green of my whole family and it can be consumed as a salad too. This Watercress and Baby Potatoes Stir Fry Recipe that I am going to share with you today is my own creation and I'm sure you will love it too. It is very tasty and easy to make too.

You can have this dish along with Spiced Fried Eggplants, Mixed Vegetable Pickles, bread, naan or rice.

4 Best Ways To Use Essential Oils At Home

4 Best Ways To Use Essential Oils is what you are going to learn here. After you have learned about the essential oils you want to use for different ailments and conditions, you will then need to decide exactly how to use them. The following information provides some of the more common ways to use these oils.

4 Best Ways To Use Essential Oils At Home
Essential Oil

Process of Devotion


Process of Devotion’ is an eBook which brings to you in details the Essence of DevotionYou will come to know why devotion is so important and how it helps you in your inner growth.


How To Make Mauritian Aubergine Chutney

Aubergine Chutney

Mauritian Aubergine Chutney is very delicious and can be served either with rice, bread, pharata, naan or puri. Just try it and enjoy with your family and friends. 

Mauritian food includes Indian, Chinese and especially Creole dishes. A typical Mauritian meal comprises of rice as staple, a pulse dish, curries, salads and chutneys.

Christmas Day Celebrations: How To Celebrate It

Christmas Day Celebrations
Christmas Day Celebrations
Christmas Day Celebrations is what everybody is waiting for. Santa Calendar Countdown is here. The fact is that Christmas is the most celebrated day in the world. Here, there is no religion or caste as it is celebrated in such a way that it brings the whole family, friends and others together. 

3 Best Christmas DIY Party Decorations Ideas

Are you looking for the 3 Best Christmas DIY Party Decorations Ideas? You will find them here. In fact, you must see to it that you are making your guests feel welcome by giving them each a place marker-turned-favour.

Best Christmas DIY Party Decorations Ideas
Christmas DIY Party Decorations

Best Christmas Dining Table Runners

Are you looking for the Best Christmas Dining Table Runners? Well, decorating is an art and it depends on the theme that you choose. For example, if it is going to be for Christmas, then you will definitely choose the red, green, gold, white and silver colour
You can also have table runners which you can use on your mantle or even on any corner tables also. So, table runners can be used in multiple ways.

Best Christmas Dining Table Runners
Christmas Dining Table Runners

8 Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

8 Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps that you should know are here. If you are looking for a way to help yourself and your family with healthy clean air, anxiety, stress, and a host of other physical and mental ailments, a lamp might be all you need. Himalayan salt lamps are becoming more popular as people realize how beneficial they can be. 

These are the orange-pink lamps that often have a non-uniform shape and a modest glow. Not only do they provide much-needed illumination in the room they are placed in, but you can start feeling better mentally and physically as well. If you are fond of tree of life, then there is also tree of life salt lamp which is very helpful too. In fact, they have become part of the Holidays Gifts too.

Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps
Himalayan Salt Lamp

Wednesday 7 March 2018

How To Make Takkar


Takkar Recipe

If you are looking for how to make Takkar, then get your Takkar Recipe here. Takkar is a sweet, sour and spicy dessert made from Tamarind paste. It is also called 'Takkar - Sweet Tamarind Sauce'.

In fact, how to make Takkar is what most of you must be looking for, right? 

As you already know that tamarind has a sweet and sour flavour, thus, it is the right fruit to make takkar with. It is often used in chutneys, as juice, along with briyani, in curries such as Spiced Fried Eggplants and sauce. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is normally served on the eve of Hindus Weddings in Mauritius.

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