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Wednesday 29 August 2018

The Power Of Love Is A Waste

Power Of Love

The Power Of Love Is A Waste’ brings you the reality about the energy that you use when you fall in love

In fact, you are not even aware of how much energy you waste when you fall in love until you get married and then after that. 

What you know are only the experiences that you go through and the decisions that you take in life.

The Power Of Love Is A Waste - The Contents

Have you ever realized how much energy you waste when you fall in love?

Have you ever realized how much energy you waste when you create so many expectations while you are in love?

Have you ever realized how much energy you waste when you create doubt, jealousy and more when you are in love?

Have you ever realized how much energy you waste when you choose the wrong person to be your lover?

For you, it’s fine to waste energy. 

For you, love is the greatest feeling that one can have.

For you, energy is to be taken for granted.

For you, love is the only thing that you depend upon.

Know that if you are stuck in the feeling which is love, then you will never know what is beyond thatThis is because you have heard from so many persons that love is at the top of every feeling but what you don’t realize is that this love itself brings you more sufferings rather than sweet memories.

Just take a piece of paper and write down how many sweet memories you had when you were in love and how many bad memories you had too.

Just check out the percentage.

Be honest to yourself.

Nobody is going to see that paper.

You are the only one who can realize the truth.

Know that falling in love is very easy but to take its responsibilities which come along with it is the most difficult.

You may fall in love but how far does this love feeling that you created within yourself is going to stay within you?

There is a lot to be said about this topic and this is why I have written this eBook so that you can realize the truth about it. I know that many of you won’t agree with me. It’s fine. I am not here to force anyone to agree with me. I am here only to make you realize the truth and if you happen to realize it then it’s in your advantage only.

You are free to either realize it or reject it. This is your right but make sure that your right doesn’t create pitfalls for you.

I am not saying that you should not fall in love. What I am saying is that if you have to fall in love, just take its responsibilities too and make that love grow. Don’t let it die otherwise you will be wasting energy and you will have to pay for it too.

So, the ball is in your camp. You have to decide what you have to do with it. 

By making that love grow, you will come to know about yourself, your capabilities, your inner mysteries, your inner powers, your understanding nature and most of all your freedom.

Love should never remain love only. It should be transformed into real freedom.

Get The eBook Here

The Power Of Love Is A Waste


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