‘Is It A Weakness If You Are Avoiding Something Or Someone?’ The Mind is set in such a way that it makes you worried unnecessarily. You go on creating a lot of questions which, in return, are making you waste energy and time. So many stupid questions are born. So much energy is wasted.
Is It A Weakness If You Are Avoiding Something Or Someone? - The Contents

Know that the mind is a battlefield. The Process of Thoughts and the Process of Emotions are fighting with each other. A thought is created followed by an emotion and both starts fighting with each other.
Have you ever watched this movie?
This is a very interesting movie which has so many spicy scenes. These scenes are always in a repeat mode but every time there is something added to them so as to make them look fresh. It’s same as you prepare a dish with leftovers.
With the fight of these two, you feel tired and weak. It’s not that you are seeing them fight that you feel tired and weak. It’s because you are the fighter yourself and playing double roles.
You are the Process of Thoughts and also the Process of Emotions. You play both roles. Just ponder on this. With only a single role, you are exhausted and now you have to play two roles. You are bound to be more exhausted and stressful. This is your greatest weakness.
If you don’t work on your weakness, you will go on being stressful. Life is not meant to live like that.
This eBook will help you a lot because it consists of step to step instructions of how to work on your weaknesses.
Is It A Weakness If You Are Avoiding Something Or Someone?
Get the eBook here
Is It A Weakness If You Are Avoiding Something Or Someone?
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